Cheshire Cats
This is the Cheshire System's alter page. Our system is a lot bigger than this, but these are the few alters who might want to post or have their own pages in the future! A lot of us are together with someone in our partner system in some way, so we might talk about them too at some point. We love them all very much! ❤
hi! i'm a kitty cat and the host of this system! many of the others call me their big brother, 'cause i like to take care of and soothe everyone! friends will call me sweet, funny, mischievous, scrunkly and caring a lot, hehe. i love pastries, mangoes (where did the man go!?), cats, rays, and sunny spots to nap in! my self-image in the headspace is a bit wonky, so i like to joke i'm a shapeshifter. sometimes i'm a cat, a catboy, or a stingray! and the colour of my fur changes a lot (from purple, to black, to white and brown!) but no matter what, i'm always here for a good time meow. ❤

i don't know what to write here. i'm the faggot freak your parents warned you about or whatever. genderfuckery is itâ„¢ talking about fucking, i fuck but i don't give a fuck about a lot of things. the things i do give a fuck about are art and the few people i'm close to. strong believer in minding your own business while still giving a fuck about other people's livelihoods. pro-kink & against bigots and gatekeepers. i like to write poetry and game. art is the ultimate expression of the self. happily married to my doctor.

hiii~! i'm tsubaki, or tsukasa, and i'm super happy to be here! everyone has such cool websites on neocities. the things i love the most in the world are my brother ame, kitty cats and delicious snacks! i like to sing and draw and game and craft stuff. origami is super fun, i gotta do more of it! i also really love anything spooky or creepy cute, hehe. my favourite sanrio mascots are kuromi and chococat! anything kiddy or small like toys and li'l critters makes me happy, cause they help me feel safe. i wanna make life a happy one, so let's do it together! ❤

nice to meetcha! i'm hanako, the 7th of kamome academy's school mysteries~! hehe, i'm kidding. i kind of am, kind of not! i still feel like a ghost most of the time, but being in a happier place helps me feel a lil more alive sometimes. i'm a real boy now!! can you believe it!?
there's lots of things i like. the one i love the most is my brother tsukasa in our partner system! i really... really like the moon, and the stars, and anything space. i like cats too! and the summer. it's hot, but nothing beats fooling around with close friends while eating ice cream! let's get along, shall we~?
there's lots of things i like. the one i love the most is my brother tsukasa in our partner system! i really... really like the moon, and the stars, and anything space. i like cats too! and the summer. it's hot, but nothing beats fooling around with close friends while eating ice cream! let's get along, shall we~?